There is always so much to do in the fall – well, really there is ALWAYS much to do depending on the season. In the fall there is a “get ready because there might be a threat of frost” kind of panic.
Fall harvest chores
So there was a threat of frost the other night. It was a scramble yesterday to pick dahlias, harvest raspberries, peaches, apples, tomatoes, some of the masses of basil and then I ran out of steam.

That threat of frost always seems to catch us off guard every year. We scramble around trying to get everything in. Then the entire house is filled with so many vegetables that then need to be processed!
Applesauce, pepper jelly and more

I have a bucket of apples destined for applesauce. We have a large bowl full of hot peppers that will be turned into pepper jelly and who knows what else ( since there are SO MANY of them). We have some peaches that we can hopefully consume since I just made last years into jam. Some will get frozen for pie.

We made some pickles with the cucumbers. There are enough long pie pumpkins to make enough pies for an army! The good thing is, I also fill Kongs with mashed pumpkin for Gracie the Pup, so she’ll be happy.
Storage vegetables
Potatoes, onions, leeks, garlic- yup- have loads of those. I think I’ll make potato leek soup for dinner tonight- yum.

Some of the tomatoes have been roasted which made the house smell awesome. I hope to make salsa with some more of them before too long. Do you have a good salsa recipe? I’d like to can some again but am open to suggestions.
I know I’m forgetting something- there seems to be so much cluttering the counters and table right now it’s hard to think.
There are worse things to worry about to be sure. The threat of frost? well, we have a jump on it at least. The garden is still full of beets, carrots, chard, kale and flowers. We’ll do what we can next weekend again.
Just think about how far ahead we’ll be when my husband retires! Threat of frost? we’ll be way ahead of it next year…
What was in your garden and what have you done with it all?
Right now when I’m not dealing with vegetables I am working on a new pattern for the fall. Here is a preview.

I better get organizing all of this produce and get cooking.