Naming my wool is like naming kittens. Each wool takes on a different character from it’s color and textures. Kittens are like that too and just as hard to part with. Stubby ( my gray bobtailed cat), Blackie ( my brother named him…), Goldy (my goldfish that evolved into “Silver” as he aged). I’d like to think that my naming has gotten a bit more sophisticated.
I wonder where my wool is going when I hear that “cha ching” – will it be part of a rug? a mat? a tree? a bag? a stash wool? just where will it end up?? I am strange like that- the wondering. I’ve always been one who wonders about things- cares too deeply about things – worries about things…

Meyer Lemon colored wool
I love my wool, the wool that I hand dye, I truly do. I adore the feel, the smell and coziness of it all. I want to make sure that my wool finds a good home- finds it’s way into a lovingly made project that will bring someone happiness for years to come. Imagine that will you? my wool “out there somewhere” bringing pleasure to someone else. I hope it brings half as much to them as it does to me.
I can’t guarantee that it will ,of course, just like I couldn’t guarantee that the kittens I gave away when I was a girl would be going to a good home either. I hoped and had faith that they would.
Naming my wool is fun and my husband has joined in the fun when I hit a wall with a color name. Blueberry fields, Spinach, Kale, Squash – I was definitely on a food kick of names for a while.

Hand dyed wool
So there you have it. I care about my wool. I care about the world. I have faith that my wool WILL find it’s way into the homes of someone who loves wool as much as I do. The reviews that I have received would lead me to believe that it is true. Here is one that I will share-
“Wonderfully hand dyed colors. So pretty I almost don’t want to cut into them…but just sit and sigh at the softness of the wool and beautiful muted tones…. “
To share this with others is a real joy to me. I can’t possibly use it all myself so others will just have to step up and help out with my addiction. That addiction to hand dyeing that is. Help me- visit my shop, visit me at hook in’s and help me share in the love of wool.
Have fun with whatever project you may be working on at the present.